Friday, August 13, 2010

Headphones: What You Said

Okay, so I asked what you recommended for headphones: 

Within 24 hours, recommended Skullcandy Aviatar ($150), which seem awesome. 

My friend over at Of Cider and Knitting Needles sent me some good stuff: 
"I highly recommend Sony MDR-7506 headphones if you want great, high-fidelity listening.  They run ~$100, but are the base standard for studio mixing and are damn-near bullet-proof besides.  I carry a pair with me from show to show.  They don't have very much isolation (ambient room noise will intrude somewhat) but if you want more isolation, the JVC HA-FX35 Marshmellow earbuds you can get from Walmart are about as good as you get before spending ~$250 on a pair of Sennheiser or Shure in-ear monitors."
Fortunately, I already have some Marshmallow earbuds and I love 'em. So these Sony's are verrrrrry interesting to me. 

Thanks for the feedback! 

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