Monday, August 9, 2010

Daniel, Fred & Julie: The Laziest Folk Trio Ever

God bless NPR. They and Daytrotter are the only way I am introduced to new music like Daniel, Fred and Julie, a Canadian folk trio. They released an album "Runner" in November 2009 and I hope they come together again.

It's kind of a weird storHy: so here's a guy who wants to record an original album, but doesn't want to write any lyrics. He grabs a book of folk songs that are too old to be subject to copyright (think O Clementine), picks out the lyrics that are easiest to write music to, and then shows up basically unannounced on his buddy's doorstep to record a full record in the garage using only one microphone for three vocalists and two guitars.

For something that is so low-tech, these three really put together a great sound. Listen for yourself here.

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